Battery Storage

Battery Storage System
A battery storage is an energy storing system that will use the energy produced by a Solar PV system or Wind Turbine to charge it so the electricity can be used at a later time enabling you to make the most of your renewable energy generation, maximising savings and lowering your impact on the environment.
During the night when electricity is not being produced by a Solar PV system the battery will release energy back into your house to be used rather than taking the electricity from the grid. Even if you don’t have a Solar PV System or Wind Turbine you can benefit by storing electricity using a cheap overnight tariff and use it during peak tariff times.
The ideal size of battery will depend on you electricity use, whether you are generating your own electricity and how much do you need for the evening and overnight.
A battery that is correctly chosen for the energy use in the home and sized to maximise use of the generation of your renewable energy system (if fitted) will mean that you should have enough to serve your evenings needs for most of the year.
Types of System
There are two types of battery storage systems DC and AC Coupled systems. Both systems can be set to power your houses essential services, the lighting, freezer or dedicated circuits in the event of a power cut.
DC Systems
These are best suited to where you are fitting Solar PV or a Wind Turbine.
The electricity generated is fed into the battery as DC current without the need to convert it to AC (which is the type of electricity that your appliances in the house use).
When electricity is needed within the house the battery releases its charge to be converted via the inverter to usable AC current. By doing this it means that you will not be taking the power supplied off the grid.
AC Systems
An AC Coupled battery system can be used on an existing PV system where there is already an inverter in place.
It connects into the system between the inverter and the consumer unit (fuse-board) and allows the energy being produced to be stored.
If there is no renewable energy generated on site by either a PV system or wind turbine it can be set to charge on cheap overnight tariff electricity for use later.
Modern HV batteries are efficient and can charge and discharge as required to enable you maximise the savings from your electricity costs.
By fitting a battery whether DC or AC Coupled you will benefit from using more of the electricity you generate.