Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Electric Vehicle Charging Points
The demand for electric vehicles has soared in the past few months
With the increase sales of electric vehicles in recent months driven by the need to cut green house gases with rising petrol and diesel prices at the pumps encouraging drivers to make the step to an electrically powered vehicle so has the demand for charging points whether at your place of work or at home.
By installing an Electric Chargepoint at your home or business premises your vehicle will always be ready to go.
With more electric vehicles on the road, it has increased the demand for the charging stations available on the road network, this could mean having to join a queue to charging your vehicle or leaving home with a full charge in the morning after topping up on cheaper electrical tariffs overnight.
Electrical vehicle charging has to be considered separately to how we fill a fuel tank with petrol or diesel, when our fossil fuelled vehicle runs low, we go to a petrol station and fill the tank then forget about it until it runs low again. With an electrical vehicle constant top up are preferable and stop you from worrying about range anxiety. If you have used your car during the day to commute to work, then it will require charging for the next trip, installing your own charging point at home will allow you to start the day with a fully charged vehicle.